Tag Archive: Motivations

Quote of the day

Nothing will stop me

I was just getting ready for bed when i came across this quote, what a motivational quote indeed! It works perfectly for me, because I do believe that the only person who can stop you from getting what you want is you. So don’t ever give up, fight for what you want and keep fighting until you reach your goal.

Have a lovely night everyone.

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Never give up


My rule in life is never giving up, always fight for what you believe in, what you want, and don’t ever give up until you reach your goal.

This might sound corny, but this is what I believe in. If you want something, work as hard as you can to get it; don’t just sit around waiting for it to happen while you are doing absolutely nothing to make it happen. That is just not how things work.

A couple of years ago I was a much different person, because of my “non-prefect” body, I lacked confidence, i was shy, and could be easily taken down by anyone, in other words “Bullied”. Even though I was not a fat girl, I lacked confidence because I had “big thighs” that always made me feel fat.

I used to always envy those skinny girls who were able to wear shorts and look pretty in them, I used to cry myself to sleep sometimes, until one day, I woke up and decided to change.

I decided to start working out, try to eat healthier, at first it was hard, I felt like I couldn’t do it, I wanted to give up, but the dream of being able to wear shorts kept me motivated, I never gave up…

I am not going to say that I have reached my goal, because I haven’t yet. I am skinnier now, healthier, and most importantly happier. I still have a long way to go, and I am not giving up, I will keep working until I reach my goal.

So, in the end, I just want to say, when you want something, you can get it, don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t, because you can, all you have to do is work for it, try, and most importantly, never give up, and believe me, if you do that, you will reach your goal.

Have a lovely night everyone.

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