Christmas is that time of the year where all your problems, argues, differences of opinions with your family simply fades away. It is the time where family members travel from all over the world to reunite with their families and be with them in this special day, that is what i did.

Aside from the fact that I am happy to see my family again, one of the biggest reasons why I insisted on coming back home in this holiday is Christmas. I celebrated Christmas alone and away from my family 3 times, and those were sad, lonely and horrible Christmases, because you only feel the joy of Christmas when you are with the people you love, the people who love you, and so I am very happy to be with my family this Christmas, and I hope everyone else is enjoying Christmas with their loved ones as I am.

Cherish these special and blessed days, appreciate and love your family, as they are the most important thing in life, and without them, neither Christmas nor any other holiday means anything… Merry Christmas everyone.

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