Tag Archive: Assignments

Just one more…

I did it

After a long journey, a lot of effort, a lot of staying up late doing my assignments, I can say that I have successfully finished my first Semester in Journalism. I only have two more assignments to hand in tomorrow and after that I  can be free (for three weeks at least). I am just beyond happy, because I can not take even one more week of classes, I have been eagerly waiting for this day to come, and it has finally arrived!

I will be going home during Christmas break. I will be posting for sure, but maybe not as much as I do now.

Merry Christmas everyone, and have a happy college\school break!

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Stressed out!

I need a break

I am a very optimistic person by nature. As you may have already noticed, I try to always post positive material, I try to keep my blog motivating and joyful to everyone, because I am a happy person, i try to always smile and have fun, because life really is too short. But sometimes, you just can’t help but feel… Tired!

This is one of those days, I feel down, i feel tired, I am stressed out because of an assignment that i have to submit on Wednesday, and the worst thing is, I really hate this module! So I can’t really focus on the assignment and get it done, because I am that kind of person who gives the best only when I enjoy what I’m doing, I am only creative when I have a passion for the thing that I am doing.

Still, I am not giving up, I do not have much time left to finish my assignment, so i have decided to work so hard to get it done by tomorrow, because even though I hate this module, I am no quitter!

At last, considering I try to keep my blog full of positive posts (as i mentioned before), I am going to end this post with a motivating quote :

“I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it” ― Thomas Jefferson

Have a lovely night everyone.

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So tired

I know that this is the perfect excuse that everyone comes up with when they want to get a way with something, It is like “The dog ate my homework”, And I know that I have no excuse for not being here for almost an entire week, but I really have been crazy busy with assignments! Now I am not going to lie and say that I have been studying for the past week 24-7 , but I can say that I was honestly too tired all the time to think of something interesting to post on my blog.

I hope you guys forgive me, I am back starting tomorrow, I promise.

Have a lovely night everyone.

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